Monday, December 12, 2005

I made it through in two pieces

Well, today I am 12 weeks pregnant. As I understand it, this means I have officially entered the second trimester. This seems to me almost miraculous. I have to say, I never, never imagined being one of those infertility bloggers who irritatingly turned into a pregnancy blogger. (No offense intended. Expectant mothers--of the adopting and the gestating kind--and actual moms are some of my favorite bloggers. But come on, you know what it's like to be a hardcore infertile & watch all these softcore ladies get to leave hell behind.)

I am still having a hard time working up much enthusiasm for pregnancy itself. Zofran, alas, worked only for a few days. Then its powers seemed to wear off. Then it seemed to actually BE a nausea trigger. So, no more of that. I'm back on the vomit 3 or 4 times a day plan. Does kind of sap the will to live.

Still, I am so grateful just to still be pregnant. I thought this morning, " Wow-- I made it through to the second trimester in one piece." And then the snarky half of my brain, getting ready to puke again, said "you call THIS one piece?!" And then I realized, "hey there's a baby in here, so heck, two pieces is about the best you could hope for." So here I am.

Nuchal results are next week. If those are OK, I may really start to believe.


Anonymous said...

Yay!!!!!!!! I'm so glad about your wonderful milestone, Anne -- and so sorry about how you're feeling. I hope the nausea leaves very, very soon (as in tonight) and the nuchal results leave you reassured and happy. Big hug!

Anonymous said...


On the 2nd trimester, not the puking.

Isn't puking supposed to get better after the first trimester?

Anonymous said...

hi, just found your blog... am reading your archives.

Congrats on reaching 12 weeks.

I always thought that 12 weeks was the beginning of the 2nd trimester, but one of my books said 14 weeks... so go figure...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, none of us begrudge you the evolution from an infertility blog to pregnancy blog.

Hope everything continues to go well and that the nausea takes a look at the calendar and realizes it's time to stop!

Happy dancing for you!

Susie said...

Twelve weeks is a huge milestone. Congratulations to you. :-)

And hang in there. Most of my first trimester symptoms disappeared around week 14. I hope yours will go away soon too.

Anonymous said...

How exciting that you are 12 weeks, although goodness knows you've had a tough 12 weeks. Looking forward to good news next week, then some celebrating!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching 12 weeks! I have heard 2nd trimester starts anytime between 12 weeks and 14 weeks. I went the 12 week route as well, as it kept me sane.

Again, congrats. One step closer.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on reaching such a big milestone!

Anne said...


Bless you for saying that. It gives me hope that I might yet get to lose the nausea. Cause my major fear at this point, of course, is that I will be one of those rare women for whom the nausea lasts the whole time.

Anonymous said...

My favourite blogs are the ones that are winning the fight, be it adoption, ivf, or even just the right alignment between the sun and the moon--but never just relaxing!
Personally, I found that Clamato juice stayed down pretty well, but I don't think it is readily available in the US.

Eggs Akimbo said...

Great news! It is amazing getting to the second trimester.