Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am adrift on a sea of nausea in a rudderless oarless boat. But I am not alone. There is another passenger aboard


Susie said...

I am crossing my fingers, and everything else too.

Sanchez Stories said...

I am so excited for you, I was looking up TSH levels and miscarriages, and found your site, I don't think anything happens w/out a reason.
I recently went through my 2nd MC, but this time we lost twins, so we have lost 3 babies in the last 7 months, how did you manage to try again... EMOTIONALLY,
and how often now are you checking your levels?
Mine shot up with the twins to a 6. something, and an 8. something in TWO DAYS, do you think this is related to the MC's? I do and would really like your opinion?
We too did IVF... Was this a fresh cycle or FET?
Thanks in advance for any response!