Tuesday, December 20, 2005

All Is Well for Now

Hi all. Well, my nuchal results came back fine. I am relieved. I don't actually know how good my chances are now, since I'll probably never know why I've been subject to serial miscarriage. But this feels like some kind of stopping place. So, I think this may be my last entry for a long while. I want to leave you, and my lost babes, with the essay below.


Susie said...

Good luck, Anne. I hope the rest of the pregnancy is smooth and safe. Thank you for sharing your story with us.

Anonymous said...

I've lurked on your blog for a while, but just wanted to say that your essay brought me to tears. I wish you the best through these coming months and beyond.

Anonymous said...

Dear Anne, I was so touched by your last post, which was so sad and and so true. Your lost babies will not be forgotten.

And I am so, so happy for you now. I wish you all the best -- a wonderful Christmas, a happy New Year, and of course a healthy baby that makes you happy and complete. I'll be thinking of you, whether you post or not, and will be very happy if you check in every once in a while to tell us how you are doing.
XOXOXO and hugs and a laughing and a crying

DeadBug said...

I'll miss you!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful essay. Thank you for posting it.

tana said...

I am going to miss you. We are both at the same stage of pregancy and I was looking forward to doing this 'together' :)

Anonymous said...

All the best to you! Hope the pregnancy continues to be healthy and safe. Thank you for sharing your story, you helped give us the courage to try again.

Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Your last post was beautiful and incredibly moving. And the ending was absolutely perfect.

I wish you well, Anne. May 2006 bring many wonderful blessings.

Anonymous said...

Anne I so hope that it all continues to go well with this pregnancy. Please let us know when junior arrives. We will miss you.

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the best, Anne. You will be missed.

Anonymous said...

Hi there Anne,
I hope things continue to go well for you, and wanted to let you know that I still think of you.