Tuesday, June 14, 2005


The blog, she is feeling a mite bit peckish these days. Maybe it's the old age. Maybe it's the heat giving her the vapors. Maybe it's the utter lack of incident on the baby-making front. She don't rightly know. But she's going to draw the blinds and have a nice lie down with a cool compress. She'll be up and about again when she's able. Till then, she sends her regards. Do stop in and pay her a call if you're in the neighborhood, hear?


PJ said...

Hang in there Anne. We'll be here when you feel like talking.

Take care of yourself.

Cathy said...

Take care of yourself.

A bit of assvice: Have you read "Coming to Term" by Jon Cohen? It gave me hope after four miscarriages.

Susie said...

I'm still reading! I'll look forward to the blog's return. :-)


Foxxy One said...

Take care of you - we'll be here when you return.

Anonymous said...

Hope you're doing ok. Will check back regularly to see if you have returned